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Virtual Reality(VR) technology has the potential to completely transform the way that students learn, by offering immersive learning experiences that improve student engagement, motivation, and retention. These are some potential uses for a future in which VR technology is more widely used in classrooms:


Virtual Field Trips: Students can go around the world with VR technology without ever leaving the classroom. For instance, students can tour historical monuments, museums, or art galleries, or they can investigate various habitats like forests or coastlines.

Learning a new language: Virtual reality (VR) technology may imitate real-world situations and give students a more engaging and dynamic opportunity to practise their language abilities. 


Science Lab: Science subjects that would be too challenging or risky to recreate in the classroom might be experienced firsthand by students using VR technology. For example, students can explore the solar system or see parts of human brain without dissections. 


Students with special needs: With a low-stress environment to practise social interactions and improve communication skills, virtual reality (VR) technology can be a blessing for students with special needs, such as those on the autism spectrum.


Relationship building and Career planning: The students may practice public speaking,  or mock job interviews. 








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